The Inner Well

Offering online psychotherapy services throughout New Mexico and California, as well as in-person therapy sessions in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM
Are you here to create a fuller, more authentic life?
The life you want begins with the examination of the environments in which it currently exists. Hospitable environments-both internal and external-help us thrive. They become places of rest and restoration. They serve as incubators for our ongoing growth and development.
Because our environments hold our precious lives, the quality of our lives is very much determined by the quality of our environments. Too unstable and we feel anxious and insecure. Too tight or oppressive and we feel unable to grow and take the shape that is truly our own. Too hostile and we start to focus our efforts on defending against the environment instead of being able to depend on it.
Most clients come to work with me because they feel stagnant or confined in their lives or their relationships. What do you do when something you have worked so hard to create does not fit anymore? How do you begin to make the changes? How do you balance introducing the new while managing the fear of releasing the old? And what if making the changes requires that you learn to engage with yourself and others in ways that are scary or unfamiliar?
Making the changes that help you create the life or the relationship you love can be intimidating, but it's exactly what I'm here for. Helping you create the environments that truly nourish and support the life you're here to author is my absolute sweet spot.
Let's create what truly nourishes you and your relationship.

heal yourself, not just so that
you can thrive, but to ensure that
people who cross your path in the
future are safer from harm.
Yung Pueblo
Because your healing journey is as unique as you are.
The work we will do together will be representative of your specific needs and goals. It will focus on your specific areas of growth and will honor your unique gifts and life story. It will be a distinctive tapestry of threads native to you and your relationship. There is no one-size-fits-all mentality in my practice. Everything-from the specific tools I may use in our work to the topics we cover-is selected specifically to support the growth you most want to experience.

If you experienced attachment injury (being hurt by someone you depended on), you had to learn to go without the essential nutrients. You had to learn to sacrifice what you need. You learned to feel bad about giving yourself what is important or necessary. Experiencing pleasure or joy became fraught. Living with constant inner tension became the norm.
It is time to recover your voice, your vitality and your joy. This work is for everyone wanting to move beyond the painful patterns that keep them trapped in the past or in their smallness.
So many of us with early attachment injuries hold grief in our bodies. Terrified to look at what had happened to us, we become laden with the pain of our past. I understand this fear as I too have held old grief in my body for a very long time.
Through my own personal work and in my professional capacity, I have seen time and time again the medicinal power of grief as it helps us release old pain and create openings for new beginnings.
Surviving attachment injury means having to live with the loss of what should have been there, but was not. In our sessions, you will discover how to recognize and welcome grief as an ally on your healing journey.
To recover our true self, we must accept and embrace all aspects of ourselves. This ability to hold and respond to our reality and the reality of others is known as a mature relational capacity. Cultivated and extended to ourselves and others, it allows us to truly flourish.
Whether you seek individual therapy or are interested in relationship work, our sessions will help you practice being curious, compassionate, and real with yourself and those around you.
Resourcing is the practice of learning to nourish yourself again. When we're resourced, we feel naturally confident, capable and protected.
Relational injury wounds one's capacity to stay connected to what supports, nourishes and inspires.. In that sense, the rehabilitation of one's ability to self-nurture and self-protect is one of the foundational practices of recovery.
Resourcing is a commitment to ending the cycles of deprivation. This work is about learning to recognize what wholesome sustenance is, from actual food to activities and relationships that truly uplift and nourish.
Whether or not you're aware of grief or even interested in doing grief work, healing and expanding almost inevitably brings up grief. As part of this work, you will learn to pay attention and safely mourn what you've lost or had to learn to go without.
As you continue to develop your ability to hold your reality and the reality of others, shame about the times when you were less capable, or acted in ways you're ashamed of now, will come up. As part of this work you will learn to discern toxic/carried shame vs personal shame (healthy humility), so that you don't experience those as impediments on your healing journey.
​Becoming more authentic will at times create tension or cause ruptures in your existing relationships. Some relationships will grow with you and some will not be able to. As part of this work, you will learn and practice relational skills, such as speaking your truth and setting boundaries and will receive guidance on how to have courageous conversations while being both loving and firm.